World survey of conscription and conscientious objection to military service

War Resisters' International maintains the World survey of conscription and conscientious objection to military service - a database of country profiles and information on the situation for conscientious objectors (COs) and conscripts around the world. This unique resource exists to assist activists, researchers, lawyers and other interested parties to find out more about both trends in conscription worldwide, and specific information on individual states. It has been used to assist COs seeking asylum, to give solidarity activists information in planning campaigns, to give campaigners against conscription examples from other states to put pressure on their own governments, and in academic research.

First written in 1998 (funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust), a comprehensive update of European states was done in 2005 in collaboration with the Quaker Council for European Affairs. It is now updated on a rolling basis. If you have information about new developments in a particular state, please contact us.

For information on how the international human rights system can be used to protect conscientious objectors at risk, visit WRI's project A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the International Human Rights System:

Copyright © 1998 War Resisters' International, updates 2005 © Quaker Council for European Affairs, later updates under a Creative Commons licence.5 Caledonian Road London N1 9DX Britain phone + 44 20 7278 4040 fax +44 20 7278 0444 email ISBN 0 903517 16 7

Index of country reports

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