WRI Statement


— as agreed by postal ballot, December 2009


1. The basis of the War Resisters' International is the following Declaration (hereinafter termed the Declaration) adopted at the first International Conference at Bilthoven, 1921:
"War is a crime against humanity. I therefore am determined not to support any kind of war and to strive for the removal of all causes of war".

Support to Israeli conscientious objectors is needed

The Executive Committee of War Resisters' International, the 81-year-old international network of pacifist organisations with 90 affiliates in 45 countries, expressed its grave concern about the situation of conscientious objectors to military service in Israel during its Executive meeting in London this weekend. In light of the increased punishment of Israeli conscientious objectors, the Executive Committee calls on the Israeli government to recognise the human right to conscientious objection.


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A Call For Conscientious Objection to War and War Preparations

War Resisters' International, an international network of pacifist organisations with 90 affiliates in more than 40 countries, calls for conscientious objection whenever and wherever war is being prepared or fought. We are deeply shocked and outraged by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th. Equally, we condemn the so-called war on terrorism.

A Statement by War Resisters' International

War Resisters' International -- an international pacifist network with more than 80 affiliates in more than 40 countries -- was appalled by the violence of the Italian police against anti-globalisation demonstrators in Genoa.

Members of WRI affiliates from several countries went to Genoa to protest against policies that inflict hunger and poverty on large parts of the world.

WRI Statement on the actions of the Turkish Government against prisoners.

On 19 December at 5am in the morning, Turkish special police and the Turkish army stormed 20 prisons, using pneumatic hammers, building machines, and firing at the prisoners with tear gas and guns. With this attack, cynically called "Return to Life", and which so far left more than 30 people dead, the Turkish authorities aimed to break the hunger strike until death ("death fast") of 280 political prisoners, who were supported by 800 prisoners in a solidarity hunger strike.

Based on the newspaper Radical from 20. and 21.12.00 we prepared a chronology of the escalation.

Since the beginning of December small daily demonstrations, vigils and rallies in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and other cities.

3.12. On the 45th day of the hunger strike, premier Ecevit declares that they are thinking of an intervention. The Chamber of Physicians discusses, if forced feeding is in accordance with the professional ethos.

War Resisters' International calls for support to the Angolan peace movement in times of war and repression

War Resisters' International, the international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with 80 member organisations in 40 countries world-wide, calls for freedom for the Angolan peace activist and journalist Rafael Marques, and for support to the Angolan peace movement in general and deserters from any of the armed forces in particular.

"The Angolan people want a lasting peace, social justice, good governance and the right of citizenship, and mutual respect for the diversity of people and cultures, which form the Angolan Nation project. these are the fundamental principles for the setting of a common ground among the Angolan people. In essence, these principles are the foundation for in-depth revision of the Nation's concept and valorisation of the Angolan citizenry.

As well as the consensual definition of a vision for Angola and its course towards the future.

The War Resisters' International, an international network of more than 70 pacifist groups in more than 30 countries, including the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Croatia, condemns the NATO bombing and the hypocrisy of NATO governments in mounting this war.

The original rationale for threatening military action was to make Milosevic sign a peace agreement. This fatally misreads Milosevic and the mood of the Serbian people after years of nationalist propaganda. Far from undermining Milosevic, this allows him to tap into the Serbian and Yugoslav traditions of heroic military defence.

The Executive Committee of the War Resisters' International meeting in London, 22-24 May 1999 discussed the war in Kosovo@ and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Those of us from NATO countries discussed the situation in our own countries - for instance of the problems of anti-war groups in dealing with peace organisations who support the NATO bombings, or of so-called anti-war groups who repeat Serbian propaganda and refuse to condemn the Serbian ethnic cleansing. Our view is that the primary author of this situation is Slobodan Milosevic.

WRI, 26 de marzo, 1999

La Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra (WRI), una red internacional de más de setenta grupos pacifistas distribuidos por más de treinta países (entre los que se encuentran la República Federal de Yugoslavia y Croacia), condena los bombardeos de la OTAN y la hipocresía de los gobiernos que constituyen esta institución, puesto que ellos han contribuido a aumentar la presión para que estallara la guerra.

Las razones originales para amenazar con una actuación militar eran obligar

War Resisters' International, an international pacifist network with affiliates in over 30 countries, discussed the war and humanitarian crisis in Kosovo/a at its Triennial conference in Porec, Croatia, 20-26 September 1998.

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