Regional networks

Some affiliates have organised into regional networks, allowing them to share resources and skills and plan joint campaigns with those they are close to geopolitically.

European Antimilitarist Network

The European Antimilitarist Network is a wide range of groups from across Europe dedicated to antimilitarism and the use of nonviolent direct action. The network facilitates communication both between the groups in the network and also between the network and other groups and people involved in the antimilitarist struggle. They use and developed the concept of War Starts Here. Every year we aim to chose one or two activities and give them a strong international presence. In the past they have taken action together against a NATO training in Sweden and Spain, nuclear weapons factories in Britain, and a naval base on the Canary Islands. Write to if you would like to get in touch.

RAMALC (Red Antimilitarista de América Latina y el Caribe)

The Red Antimilitarista de América Latina y el Caribe (the Antimilitarist Network of Latin America and the Caribbean) organises nonviolence training and actions, supports conscientious objectors in different countries and articulates antimilitarism across Latin America and the Caribbean. As a regional network they are linked to WRI, and most of their members are WRI affiliates. Find their website (in Spanish) and their online magazine Rompiendo Filas (“Breaking Ranks”) at

PANPEN (Pan-African Nonviolence and Peacebuilding Network)

The Pan-African Nonviolence and Peacebuilding Network was founded in 2012. An independent network that works closely with WRI, they played a key role in hosting WRI’s first International Conference in Africa, in Cape Town, July 2014. The network shares news and resources, and coordinates meetings and representation to other peace and nonviolence initiatives across Africa. Write to if you would like to get in touch.

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