Support War Resisters' International!
By donating to War Resisters' International, you are:
- supporting conscientious objectors around the world;
- countering the militarisation of young people in schools, universities, and wider society;
- and providing training and resources in nonviolence, direct action, and social change.
There are a number of ways of donating to WRI - choose your preferred options below:
For any questions related to donating to WRI, please email, or call +442072 784040.
PayPal (International)
Clicking the button below will transfer you to the Paypal website, and give you the option to send a one-off donation, or setup a regular monthly donation. This can be done from anywhere in the world, and you do not need to create a Paypal account.
Direct Debit in £ or €
Supporters in the UK or the EU can donate easily by setting up a regular monthly direct debit via the GoCardless platform. Click the buttons below to choose a regular monthly amount, which will take you to their secure website.
To set up a monthly donation in pounds:
£1 | £2 | £5 | £10 | £20 |
To set up a monthly donation in euros:
€1 | €2 | €5 | €10 | €20 |
WRI's direct debits are handled securely by GoCardless Ltd., a UK-based payment handling service. Donations may appear on your bank statement under their name. For more information about GoCardless and direct debits, please click here. To cancel a recurring Direct Debit donation at any time, simply contact us.
Other ways to donate
For direct transfers into our UK bank account, the details are:
Account No: 5072 7388
Sort Code: 60-83-01
The quickest and easiest way to give to us regularly is via Paypal or Direct Debit. If you would prefer to support our work with a regular standing order, please download this form, print it off, fill it in, and return it to us at: War Resisters' International, 5 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DX.
For a direct transfer into our euro's bank account, the details are:
Account name: War Resisters' International
Bank: Bank of Ireland
IBAN IE91 BOFI 9000 9240 41 35 47
If you would prefer to give to WRI via our fiscal sponsor in the USA, you can send a one-off or monthly tax deductible donation to WRI via the website of AJ Muste Memorial Institute.